My Therapy
I am attempting to bring out other creative aspects of myself in order to calm and strengthen my inner body - particularly heart (coughs uncomfortably). It turns out I have a faulty heart valve - a genetic thing - that was irritated by infection...which explains the excessive tiredness and out-of-breathness I#ve been going through.
Interestingly - it's stress-related, as well. Doctor recommends to change jobs. (So easily, it is NOT!) In the meantime, he recommends calming activiites, and I'm not really to run or work out with heavy weights anymore until he has had a chance over the next few months to check out my valve.
So I'm working on my calming therapy - at present, a betta.
Step 1(yesterday)
Step 2 - todayI plan that my betta will be in the entry way of our new room. We're not moving anywhere, just upstairs...the parents offered to completely renovate the room above ours to our specifications as a bald bribe to keep us close when a baby comes (you'll be the second to know, no worries about that).
And since I'm not one to turn down something like that, I took 'em up on it. I'm determining the room colours, design, etc., all based off Feng Shui principles, and since our entryway should be in blue, Mr. Fishy will have pride of place.
So exciting. And vaguely comforting. I like the calming effects of shmusching the paints together to create something from nothing. I already have other ideas, but the next one will be a red facial painting of a buddha face for the living room.