It's official.
I've moved to wordpress.
The new blog is:
I'm all excited! Come and visit me there!
Writer. Discovering my way. Living in Europe. Whee!
I've moved to wordpress.
The new blog is:
I'm all excited! Come and visit me there!
Magic'd up by
8/01/2007 11:21:00 am
Okay, I've been bad. But it's for a good reason.
Tomorrow, as of 12 am, I will have been in this country for 5 years. F-I-V-E. That's a long time. I went from a very naive, southern girl that ate only meat and potatoes and knew spanish to a girl that lives easily inside another culture, speaking German (which I never ever thought I would do) reading it, having a husband, some sphynx cats, and finding my way to buddhism.
That's right. I had to tell you.
It's been going on awhile, but the Reiki 1 and 2 attunements really speeded it up. It seems that it is really working for me at this point in my life, and the personal intervention from a certain god is also helping to pushthings along.
So I'm going to open a new blog. I'd love your comments about names, if you have any.
Hopefully it'll be up this week.
Magic'd up by
7/31/2007 08:22:00 pm
Hi, dear readers!
Many new things happening here -
First off, I've finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And no, I won't be saying a word about any of the plot other than wow. What an excellent end to the book. I'm ready for everyone to finish so that we can all discuss it.
What an excellent book.
I'll be much more regular now - I've GOT A NEW JOB.
That's right. The old one was a total soul killer. The attitude and the everything just got me in the end. I've accepted a nice harmless Technical Writer position in Düsseldorf, which is an hour away. Part-y time. There is a good chance I will be home every day at 6.30. What extravagance.
Another excellent thing - the Dalai Lama is coming to Germany (Münster, about 30 minutes from where I live) in September. And I got a ticket! I'm very excited.
I'll write more tomorrow, just wanted to fill you in. I want to go read through the Harry Potter again.
Magic'd up by
7/21/2007 08:42:00 pm
I've been busy trying to better my situation around my job and life thing versus the heart, and I'm getting somewhere - I think. It seems to be being helped by my deity (yes, I've adopted him) Ganesha, that came to visit me at my Reiki II initiaion.
Since then, I have meditated every night and called him, and I have been answered once. He appeared in a golden palace with two females behind him. Again, dancing.
The thing is that I seem to get no sentences from him. Is it just that I'm not very good at this? I get feelings, and moods, and influence from him, just not on a talking level. Perhaps that is better, when I think about it. Words can always be misconstrued. But I'm working on it ask much as possible, and I feel much more light-hearted in my serach to better yself. I will let you know as soon as anything is decided.
I found some very interesting information about him, though. From Wikipedia:
Ganesha is worshipped as the lord of beginnings and as the lord of obstacles (Vighnesha),patron of arts and sciences, and the god of intellect and wisdom.He is honoured with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony and invoked as the "Patron of Letters" at the beginning of any writing.
Little note - how cool is that that he is the patron of letters! Tailor-made for me, being a writer! How did I not know about him before?
I've found some books on him online, and will be ordering them - probably at the end of this month. In addition, I'm trying (when I have time) to read about him.
It turns out that he was married to two sisters that he won by feats of guile (which explains the two women behind him that were swaying). They do show him as having a belly, I didn't really see so much of a belly, but he was definitely short and stocky. And of a red hue.
I feel like there is a definitey connection - and that he came in at exactly the right moment to let me know he is there and supporting me. It is such a nice feeling.
Magic'd up by
7/05/2007 09:33:00 pm
Think of me. I have something important tomorrow morning that means a lot, and I wish to get it. Keep your fingers crossed and send me whatever energy you can.
GO GEN!!!!
Magic'd up by
7/03/2007 09:10:00 pm
So Saturday morning found me driving to my Reiki teacher to receive the second level of Reiki. I was stoked; going to see Einar always brings me lots of new insights and help, and this time was no exception. We talked about eh present job - how it has changed from the best thing ever into a mine field of the depths of the seven hells, although I have to deal with this and treat it as a group of lessons to be learned, and so on. He is so great.
So then we got down to the initiation of the second level. I shut the eyes, as normal, and prepared myself for the initiation ,when -
A door that opened to a place full of light opened in my mind. It was completely dark, when out dances this man with an elephant head. He was so so happy - that was the first thing I noticed about him - and the fact that he is dancing and was swaying and dancing around. He had an elephants head, but somehow I could see he was smiling.
He was SO HAPPY. Di I mention this? Just closing my eyes now and thinking back on it makes me grin like a fool. Why was he happy? We didn't get that part. He stayed until he determined the initiaion needed to be over, then he waved, made a motion like he would see me later and to wait here, then followed the others back into the room, dancing all the while. The door closed.
Thinking back on it, I distinctly also remember aBuddha being there, and perhaps twinges of a man with a beard, but all my attention was caught and held by this man with the elephant head.
So Einar finished, went over and sat down, while I opened my eyes and came back to the here and now. With no further ado, he said, who was there? I was a little shocked - I thought only I could see him, but I explained to Einar what I had seen and what had gone on while he was initiating me. He grinned really big, and said, I knew someone was there, and their energy was way big, and I think he was also there the first time - but this is the first time you can see him. He was showing himself t you today to let you know you are not alone in what is coming up.
He explained that now that I am on this path I am on, and had seen him - he actually had a name for this man with the elephant head - Ganesha - I didn't really have a choice. I was on a higher level and needed to continue, and my world would be changed in ways I never expected. We talked about responsibility and diligence, while all the time I was smiling like a fool.
I have never flet such a strong immediate liking to someone. And yet the sad thing was once If finished explaining it to Einar, I felt like somehow I had done something wrong - my mind was trying to tellm e it was silly to think I had just had a long conversation and joy without words with a man with an elephant head. Einar immediately put this down, saying that the first glimpse you see of something tells you its true form and intent. And to trust that, and not let that feeling of the brain telling me something is wrong witht it hold me back from the orgiinal thought and intent.
So now I'm looking up Ganesha, and I think I need to attempt to reach him again. Find out what he wants from me, what is happenening. The Hindus and Buddhists revere him as a god of change and new things - he is the first statue put in a new dwelling, and the first worshipped when starting a new endeavor.
I think that me and Ganesha are going to become very good friends. I will tell you more of what I learn about him. Now I'm going to read of my new buddy.
I feel very blessed to have contact with such a god. Very blessed.
Magic'd up by
7/01/2007 02:21:00 pm
I am attempting to bring out other creative aspects of myself in order to calm and strengthen my inner body - particularly heart (coughs uncomfortably). It turns out I have a faulty heart valve - a genetic thing - that was irritated by infection...which explains the excessive tiredness and out-of-breathness I#ve been going through.
Interestingly - it's stress-related, as well. Doctor recommends to change jobs. (So easily, it is NOT!) In the meantime, he recommends calming activiites, and I'm not really to run or work out with heavy weights anymore until he has had a chance over the next few months to check out my valve.
So I'm working on my calming therapy - at present, a betta.
Step 1(yesterday)
Step 2 - todayI plan that my betta will be in the entry way of our new room. We're not moving anywhere, just upstairs...the parents offered to completely renovate the room above ours to our specifications as a bald bribe to keep us close when a baby comes (you'll be the second to know, no worries about that).
And since I'm not one to turn down something like that, I took 'em up on it. I'm determining the room colours, design, etc., all based off Feng Shui principles, and since our entryway should be in blue, Mr. Fishy will have pride of place.
So exciting. And vaguely comforting. I like the calming effects of shmusching the paints together to create something from nothing. I already have other ideas, but the next one will be a red facial painting of a buddha face for the living room.
Magic'd up by
6/27/2007 05:39:00 pm