
The Witch's Cat

The Cat started out purely as a friend for the dog. We live in Germany, and multiple dog ownership is quite expensive over here, complete with taxes and insurancs and stuff. The DH (darling husband) is allergic to cat hair, but really, a cat would be the only other thing the boy-dog might interact with.

We have a sighthound that has followed me around world-wide...he's now seven. A sighthound likes to hunt normally, but I figured as he's so easy-going that he'd accept a cat in the house.

So I looked at the hairless cats. It was quite a struggle, getting the husband to agree to it (he's not so animal-bound as I, and he thought they looked like aliens) but I got it done. The Ca
t came to join us in October of this year.

Shortly after he came, we moved back to the city of the parents, as the husband works in another city during the week. I wanted some humans around that I knew, they had a flat available, so we moved me, the boy-dog, the Cat and all our stuff there. What is the result of my little interspecies experiment?

1. the boy-dog spends all day downstairs with his son and plays exclusively with that dog (grr)

2. the Cat and boy-dog(s) play together grudgingly, if at all,

3. the DH is enamoured with the cat (going so far as to give him kisses in between his ears when he holds him -- KISSES!)


4. the Cat is mine, body and soul.

This wasn't the original plan...I had wanted him for my husband, as I thought he would really like to have an animal around that came in our house as "our" animal (the boy-dog was with me before) that he could really bond to. He's (DH) totally bonded, but for some reason, the cat didn't bond back.

He is where I'm at, all the time, sleeps on my neck at night, wakes me up in the mornings for his breakfast, helps me
cook, helps me clean (help being used quite loosely here), tells me his opinion on everything I do, goes for walks with me, sleeps in his bed on the computer table when I'm writing, works with the charms I do (is *quite* the interested bystander there, I must say) and is just generally all. my. boy.

For my part, I've had dogs my entire life (with one cat in there that died of Fel Luk) and have never experienced this kind of connection to an animal. When I say with me all the time, I mean it. It's absolutely bizarre. The dog acts like a cat (he can sleep all day, and doesn't bother to come by and say hi, he knows he's getting his food) but the cat is different.

He hangs out with me -- he seems genuinely inte
rested in what I'm doing. Like I said, crazy. I realize part of it is that he's a Sphynx. They are some kind of totally outgoing cat, but man, he's STILL a cat! Everyone forgot to tell him that.

My husband cemented the relationship when he called him my "witch's cat". Then a seer I consulted said the Cat was a guide for me in this life. Iiiiinteresting.
The Cat also helped cement a certain issue I'd been having...the fact of coming out and admitting I was a pagan-type to myself, in earnest, instead of letting it sit on the back burner. He was somewhat of a catalyst, so to say.

As I write this now, he sleeps under his cover right by the monitor, passed out.

My little witch's cat.

(Helping me cook recently, sleeping under the kitchen towel).


AutumnZ said...

This cat is your familiar, no doubt about it. Also, I clicked on your blogger profile, but there wasn't anything there. And, how do I do one of those astrology charts?.I've always wanted to, but it seemed to be so math-y. Great to meet you!

Genhywfar said...

Hey! I've visited your site too, I absolutely lurve the huge harp (I played bassoon and oboe in school, but stopped after).

I didn't really know what to think about him, as calling him a familiar seemed so melodramatic (I'm still getting used to using pagan and witch-type words without looking over my shoulder). But I think you're right...and it makes me feel better, to have such an animal on my side as I learn this.

As to this natal chart thing, LOL, I'm right with you there. Go to this link:
and type in your stuff. You just need to know your bday, time of birth, and where you were when you were born...

Let me know when you do it! It was really out there for me, about 95% of everything was spot-on. Spoooky. ;)

Great to meet you too!

Anonymous said...

I saw you sneaked over to my site so I thought I would sneak over to yours. I'd like to extend a Welcome to the blog world for you and your very intresting kitty. Be well!

Mutableblue said...

He is a sweet looking cat.

Genhywfar said...

Thanks guys, I'm inordinately fond of him.