
Law of Attraction

I haven't been able to check my favourite blogs ALL WEEK. Sigh. Hate that. Only negative thing about working like mad.

But I got caught up...and interested...by the buzz about the law of attraction as hidden in the Secret DVD. Have you seen it? I've long heard of it - I'm a copywriter, and all the freelancers were going nuts about it, it's magic, gonna save their lives, make em millionaires, etc....um hmmm.

BUT I must say, I found more sense about the Law of Attraction - as well as Gratitude - on the Steve Pavlina site....under here. He's a really interesting mix of self-employed do it yourself with new age tendencies...you've got lucid dreaming cheek-by-jowl with 10 stupid things self employeds do. Veeeedddy interesting.

Anyway, he's got it right, and I think Slade, who I agree with on manytopics and respect, has a lot of good things to say here.

What the Law of Attraction comes down to, to me, is this: what you send out into the world is going to come back your way. What you project is going to return. I'm not always 100% believing in karma, but I think that you are responsible for your own attitude and your outlook on the world. If you need a Law of Attraction written down in words to help you achieve it, then fine. But look into your soul and see if you don't have it written there in your thoughts.

I think you'll find it.

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