

Our new cat fell through. Literally. Mum doesn't want him to fly from Britain to the great scary land of Europe, so.

Never fear, it's as if it should have happened. The breeder of my Cat contacted me on Friday. She has a returned Sphynx from her breeding. Why returned? The owner found out someone in the house had been ABUSING her cat. What did she do about this?


Just called the breeder to shove the cat onto her. Cow. It makes me wonder at the hearts of these individuals, honestly.

So we're getting a blue two-year-old cousin instead. Poor baby.


AutumnZ said...

Yes, it's bad when animals aren't treated as our brothers and sisters. I'm in a dilemma of my own right now, and really don't know what to. There are 8 puppies under my house. I have no idea where they came from. They are weaned, so I imagine they have just been abandoned. I wouldn't mind feeding them, etc... but at least 5 of them are females, and this being the country and there are no leash laws... Well, there will be 20 more puppies next spring. And they are digging up my landscaping. They have all ready killed my 3 favorite nandina shrubs. I hate to take them to the pound, because it is doubtful that they would find homes. But at the same time...
BTW, is your cat's name Sphynx, or is that her breed? And don't you have a dog as well?

Debbi said...

I'm sorry the baby didnt come through. But like you said, if it wasn't to be, there was a reason. This other cat may need you more.

Hope he works out well for your family and hope both kitties get along great.

Mutableblue said...

Sorry to hear it didn't work out, but it opens you up for a sweet one that truly needs a loving home.

good luck!

Genhywfar said...

Hey guys, yes, I think it must have been meant to be. He even fits within the rules that the hubs wanted "NO white Sphynxes!! They look like rats!!" so he'll be the hubs' cat.

AZ, that is truly a problem. Could you, perhaps, put a newspaper ad in your local newspaper? It's horrible when they aren't treated well, life is not fair to some of these poor animals. And naturally, they are the ones to pay for our neglect.

My Cat's breed is the Sphynx - his name you know (he likes to go by "the Cat" for arrogance reasons on the blog). I do have a dog, but he's more the Oma and Opa dog, as he has been adopted by them to keep his son company. Works all around, as he's more attached to their sofa than he ever was to me. :(

Hamza matar said...

lovely page