
A short thanks

Well, mission accomplished! Part-time job advised that the weather is turning, new job accepted, feelin' good. I'll probably move the family in three or four months, which isn't so horrible as I'll pay a pretty penny to ride the really fast trains during the week. That should make it nicer.

It's such a tremendous weight off. I'm just so purely happy I can hardly stand it.

I have lots of posts and ideas running around in my head, and since I have a 1.5 hour train ride morning and night, I've decided I'll write them up (on paper if need be, but soon I'm getting a MAC!!) and post them at night or at lunch. I have lots to do there (does happy jig) so I can't do it now like I was used to.

It got me thinking about what Autumn Zephyr said at her blog about her THING. It's a totally good question...I managed to do something in University that got me absolutely nowhere (Journalism and PR) but then screwed around and didn't do anything that was particularly my thing for a long time. I was rather a free spirit.

I'm only just getting into my thing since I've been in Germany and really looked at my options. What is my thing? You're going to laugh, but really, this job is the perfect example of my thing: Writing. Editing. English. I've had a love affair with words from the time I was tiny, and it doesn't show any signs of abating, thankfully.

My other thing tho is my personal time. Like AZ, I'm many things...artist, reader, flute and bassoon player, runner, animal lover, owned by a Cat. Witch. Those last two things become very important to me, since I've "come out". I couldn't do any of those on their own, but when meshed with the whole I find I'm entirely satisfied with the way that my life is turning out.

Now if I could just get the hubs in the same city as me. But we'll figure it out at one point. Just another thing to work on.

** update: the meditation thing is moving but slowly. The visualization is the best way to go here, and I have a post on that in my head, too....

Hugs to you all!

1 comment:

AutumnZ said...

Oooh! I'm linked! How fun!