
So how do you - meditate?

I've come to believe that I do not understand the process of meditation.

I do the breathing in, breathing out, I follow my consciousness deeper into my body, I try to settle and calm, but I don't think I'm getting it - and I feel myself getting progressively more and more worked up, my thoughts going insane and twirling in my head like autumn leaves - what am I doing wrong? So that I evenutally give up, angry, and go to pet the Cat instead.

What am I doing wrong? Am I giving up too early? I think sometimes I have a disadvantage here that I can't just go into the bookstore and buy a book - these sort of books (books important to me) I must have in English. I don't want to try and muddle through with my reading level of German. I'd just get more fed up.

So - how do you do it? How long do you give it? (LOL) Does it happen immediately? Slower?

Can you recommend any good books?

I really think, with the stresses of the next two weeks (I must impress the socks off the people in the next two weeks to get the job) I need a way to calm my mind, and this is the best way to do it (other than petting the Cat, who cannot come with me every day).


Anonymous said...

Some people are more naturally meditative than others. My doctor back home told me that people who can easily roll their eyes back in their head are more able to meditate easily. *laughs* I'm not one of those.

I've found that for me, meditation requires constant practice. I started with short intervals, and used a timer so I wouldn't be tempted to open my eyes and look at the clock. I also found that guided meditations and the use of imagery to be very helpful in reaching a meditative state. I have to have something occupying my conscious mind in order to let go of my subconscious.

One trick I learned at a seminar a few years ago is helpful. I also use this when I have trouble falling asleep. It's all based on the number 25. You count with each deep breath you take. Start with 25. Then take 1 breath then count 24 and take one breath. Then count 2 breaths, and then 23, and then count 2 breaths. The number count and the breaths before and after add to 25 each time. So:
(breath) 1...(breath 24)...(breath 1)
(breath 1)...(breath 2)...(breath 23)...(breath 1)...(breath 2)
(breath 1)...(breath 2)...(breath 3)...(breath 22)...(breath 1)...(breath 2)...(breath 3)
If at any time you lose your place, you start over again at the beginning. I've found this to be a very helpful meditative technique.m

AutumnZ said...

For me, meditation is visualization. It's not really about the breathing. I especially use colors. I begin by holding a picture in my mind of what I want to accomplish (a peaceful me, a headache gone etc) and then a color will come to me.

Maybe you just need to find what works for you. Maybe it isn't that you can't meditate. Or maybe you all ready are. What if petting the cat and letting your brain go blank is meditation for you?

Genhywfar said...

Well AZ, it can't hur tto try that...I am going to do it today. That's really interesting about the colors, too. I might have to think on that.

Maritzia - I can roll my eyes back easily! LOL I'm also going to try the numbrs thing. I am open to trying anything that helps me get the hang of this.

Anonymous said...

That's good. So, you can probably meditate easily if you find what is right for you. What works for some doesn't necessarily work for others. I tried a lot of different techniques before I found something that really worked for me. I used to use the rosary a lot. I need to find a pagan equivalent of it *laughs*.

Genhywfar said...


I'm trying, but I don't seem to get very far. (Screech).

I think I'm going to try and meditate over a Mcdonalds burger and fries tonight.

MMMMm. McDonalds.