Fun with the Macbook
My hubs got a Macbook from his phd job, and he let me play with the Cat with it (while I wait to hear back: I should have something next week).
He was pretty good-natured about it (both the Cat and the hubs) and I had a blast. It did me good, getting my mind off possible decisions for next week.
Ze iCat.
The Cat as a ray of light (I really liked this)
The Cat in Negative
Pretty watercolor-like:Fun, fun fun!
Now the Cat sleeps, hubs works and I go to check everyone elses' life out. I'll let you know as soon as I have anything on the GREAT POSSIBILITY.
What's a Macbook? I want one. How fun! I want to take pictures in Andy Warhol tones!
Those are awesome. So, when do you hear from the new job? did they say when you might have an offer?
A-Z - a macbook is a mac laptop. It is SO MUCH FUN. I want one, too. He got the black one from his work (he decided how much memory, ram etc he wanted and they bought it for him, the spoiled brat) It is so cool.
Deb - I'm still waiting for him and dying a slow death. It#ll be by the end of this week or not at all: I'm dying. Bleh
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