Bleh. Friday.
Most of the time I am completely happy in the place where I am...the country, I mean. Quality of life and all that.
But SOME days, like today, I long. Long, long long. It's the little things that get you. Like:
- Genuine, honest-to-goodness Kraft mac and cheese. I haven't had it in four years and it was my absolute favourite comfort food.
- Doritoes. They go with the Kraft to have me in a good mood in 15 seconds flat.
- Oreos. Dessert to the outstanding meal.
- Dr. Pepper. To drink, of course, with the outstanding meal!
I know, processed crap, but sometimes processed crap is just what the doctor ordered.
I have a lot of people ask me if I don't miss my family being here. My answer is no. They disowned me when I married a German (him being from the Nazi country, it makes sense he's one, right?? too many history channel episodes) although they were never there for me before that. I didn't miss them when I lived in the US. Even when I lived with them (and got out at the first possible opportunity).
What I do miss, people-wise, is the thrill of a friend to count on, to go out with, to see in person. I've made one here. In four years, and I'm a good outgoing sort of person with no bad habits or ugly smells. *Sigh.* Germans are notorious for sticking inside their little clicques, and too bad if you're coming later than their school-days, you're out. I made more stick-with-it friends in Australia in one year than here.
I am lucky in meeting people through this blog, and you all are great. I just wish you were here to hang out with. Consider this your invite. ;)
If it won't freak you out to give me a mailing address, I will happily send you a care package containing Kraft Mac and Cheese, Doritos, and Oreos. No Dr. pepper though, it might explode on the trip. Email me. I'm nimbus1108 take out the spam at yahoo dot com.
I was about to ask the same Not that I have the funds to do it currently but for future reference (and keep you supplied in comfort food)
I really miss Dr. Pepper...They have a new diet flavor-Berries and Cream which I love but caffeine is a huge no-no so I try to avoid it altogether)
well, erm, uh, how quickly can I take you up on your offer without seeming like some sort of insane person?? LOL german goodies can go the other way across the pond...they're excellent when they aren't your only option. LOL
You guys are amazing.
Geesh, you guys beat me to asking for the address. lol.
Just found your blog, followed you over from mine and Cleaverly disguised...and it is really cool.
Why, thank you. *blush* I love yours, too... ;)
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